Age of mythology icon

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The Theocrat is symptomatic of the old aristocracy of Atlantis that has become proud, yet soft after decades of dominating the other city states. Seated among the High Council of Atlantis, the Theocrat is responsible for security of the island state and to make sure the fickle Poseidon, patron of Atlantis, stays mollified. Kronos's servant is killed by Kastor after Gaia once again seals Kronos beneath the earth. At the beginning of the campaign, Kronos's servant kills Krios and assumes his appearance, and afterwards deceives the Atlanteans into freeing the Titans. In The New Atlantis, he is seen to have escaped Atlantis following its destruction and established an Atlantean colony in the Norselands. Although initially unwilling to go, Arkantos got convinced by Krios to go eventually. In the Fall of the Trident campaign, it is he who proposes that Arkantos join the Greeks fighting the Trojan War. Krios is the elderly theocrat who rules Atlantis on behalf of Poseidon.